The Jo Bonner Leadership Academy
Written by Lex Mroczko, ASMS Class of 2024 and Jo Bonner Leadership Academy Graduate

The Alabama School of Mathematics and Science (ASMS) has many opportunities for students to immerse themselves in leadership. However, it can be difficult for students to lead well if they are thrown into responsibilities that they are unfamiliar with or take on a leadership position for the first time. We are never expected to know how to do it all when we first start, but it is easy to miss opportunities for effective leadership if we do not know what it looks like. So, this led ASMS to put forth several questions: How do we teach and prepare students to lead? How are students trained for their leadership roles both on and off campus? What does it truly look like to fulfill the ASMS mission to develop Alabama’s future leaders? Through these questions, the idea to form a leadership academy was born. Shortly after, in 2019, the ASMS Jo Bonner Leadership Academy (JBLA) was established.
It all began with an idea for student leadership training. The ASMS faculty and staff want to see ASMS students succeed inside and outside of the classroom —and intentionally investing in them as leaders is an essential step. Student leaders have many roles on campus such as club officers, peer advisors, ambassadors, head editors, and so much more. Because ASMS is a living-learning school community, student leaders play a special role in shaping school culture and achieving strategic goals. To best support these leaders, the ASMS Leadership Team wanted to offer a program where students can grow in their leadership on campus and also be able to take away life skills outside of academic settings.
Inspiration for building the Jo Bonner Leadership Academy was taken from college-level leadership programs and models. For example, the school reviewed the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) to develop learning outcomes for the leadership academy. In addition, the core of the academy has always been based on the book The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner which outlines the Five Exemplary Practices of Leadership. The five exemplary practices are still emphasized in the academy’s curriculum today! When students apply for the academy, we are required to put together a professional resume and go through an interview process, giving us professional experiences for college and careers before we are even officially accepted to the program.
The academy encourages communication, teamwork, and job-preparedness. We have group sessions, leadership practice, personal reflections, leadership assessments, and more. Participants learn both hard and soft skills such as working with people, managing projects, setting achievable goals, effective communication, and conflict management. The academy also provides students with access to skills that help us build portfolios and network too. For instance, all students complete a final leadership interview project and presentation as part of the program. We learn how to reach out and build connections by contacting a leader of our choice to interview about their leadership. Now we all have a new leadership contact in our community to call on in the future as well as a presentation highlighting our recommendations for leadership.
As an institution, ASMS benefits from JBLA given that faculty, staff, and students align together to fulfill the mission and vision of ASMS.. The academy also emphasizes a shared leadership language that empowers all stakeholders to solve problems, reach solutions, and achieve goals with empathy and respect. JBLA is a positive, culture-shaping program for the school and the shared experience builds morale for everyone involved!
The JBLA program is also the perfect opportunity for students who want to give back to ASMS but do not know where to start. The academy encourages all involved to build strong relationships. I have personally been called on by faculty and staff for unique leadership opportunities because they got to know me and my strengths through JBLA.
The best part is that the academy is not something that only happens once a year! Once accepted, students remain in the program for the entirety of the school year, where there are frequent opportunities to reflect and continue our training. Students graduate after one year following fulfillment of the program expectations. Every cohort of JBLA participates in a closing ceremony honoring those who completed the program. All graduates are then presented with a JBLA pin that is worn on our ASMS graduation regalia!
Giving the leadership academy a proper name was no easy task. ASMS considered many points of view, thoughtfully pondering the decision for some time. Ultimately, an idea was put forth to name the academy after somebody with a history of state-wide leadership and service to others —something ASMS graduates are encouraged to do themselves one day. The choice of Mr. Jo Bonner was an easy decision by the ASMS staff. His history of public service and dedication to excellence with integrity fit the mission of the academy. Thus, the Jo Bonner Leadership Academy (JBLA) was officially founded.
Josiah (Jo) Robins Bonner, Jr. has been a major influence on ASMS and Alabama as a whole. He currently serves as the fourth president of the University of South Alabama, previously serving as chief of staff to Alabama Governor Kay Ivey. Prior to those positions, Mr. Bonner represented Alabama’s First District as a respected member of Congress. He has many awards and recognition for his leadership such as being in the Alabama Academy of Honor and being a graduate of Leadership Alabama.
Mr. Bonner has proudly served as a member of the Board at ASMS, serving as Board Chairman for a number of years. Along the way, he has supported and advocated for the ASMS community, both locally and across the State of Alabama.
Now, each fall, Jo Bonner brings his uplifting message to the JBLA Retreat, speaking to students in his comfortable, conversational tone. And when he tells his story, you can feel the students listening intently to every word as he encourages everyone to go after their dreams.
As a graduate of the Jo Bonner Leadership Academy, I have learned and grown so much as a leader. I am confident I will be able to take my knowledge and apply it in college, my career, and beyond! Not only have I grown, but I have also seen my friends and the people I care about at school go through the same things I have in becoming better leaders, and it is awesome to know that we all did it together.
Different aspects and skills in leadership resonate for each student in the Jo Bonner Leadership Academy, and that is what makes it special. Every student will always take something away with them, and JBLA is tailored so that every student gains exactly what they need. Going through the Jo Bonner Leadership Academy is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am so glad it continues to support the future leaders of Alabama and beyond.