We are the Campus Life Committee, and we are in charge of overseeing 25 student clubs and maintaining campus life.
Our responsibilities for sponsoring this year’s clubs include: hosting a Club Fair for at the beginning of every term, ensuring that clubs are active around campus, and funding clubs.
We plan to have one main project each term for improving campus.
The project for Fall term is to purchase a TV for the Coffee House. Adding on to the new TV, we hope to obtain subscriptions for various streaming platforms for one school account. This will be done so that individuals can use a school-wide account instead of their own accounts to use their own accounts to use TVs.
The project for Winter term is general campus improvement. This includes, but is not limited to, fixing or replacing unstable tables in the cafeteria, fixing or replacing various components of bathrooms, replacing the gym speakers, and purchasing doormats for use around campus.
The project for Spring term is to purchase umbrellas for outdoor seating areas. The tables for outdoor seating areas currently lack any coverage from rain or the sun, and purchasing umbrellas is our solution for this issue.
We look forward to having a great year with you all!
Club Forms!
Do you want to make a club or host a club event? Press the button below to access the SGA forms page!
For more information regarding clubs, press the button below to access the SGA Club Guidebook.
Club Guidebook