The Student Government Association’s Activities Committee is one of ASMS’s most active student organization as they host the schools events and assembly. Activities Committee is a committee of less than 9 students that are representatives from each grade, current officers interested in holding the Vice President position, the Parliamentarian, and the Vice President themself. The Vice President chooses two-three of the members to lead the others over specific large events. The Vice President also delegates smaller events to each representative, specifically underclassmen, to aid in their event coordination growth. Some traditional events that the representatives throw are Polar Bear Plunge, Valentines Party, Study Breaks, Halloween Party, and Big Scream. The chosen 2-3 representatives are called Head Representatives, and they are traditionally Seniors or current Officers. Each Head Rep is responsible for two-three representatives. Each Head Rep’s mini committee is responsible for throwing Festivals. Festivals and Dances are the schools largest events. AC is responsible for communicating with outside vendors, organizing budgets, and coordinating with Faculty and students. Vice President is responsible for coordinating the school’s two major dances, Winter Formal and Prom. The Vice President is responsible with coordinating with outside vendors, booking the venue and the catering, organizing chaperones, arranging a budget, and communicating with students and Faculty. The Parliamentarian is an officer responsible of organizing the schools assembly which host competitions and outside speakers. These speakers aid with increasing student’s opportunities, and competitions aid in school spirit. The Parliamentarian organizes the committee to aid with anything needed for that specific assembly such as sign ins or sound checks. The Parliamentarian also works with the Sergeant in Arms and their Spirit Committee to organize the competitions. The Parliamentarian must be a student excellent in public speaking as Assembly happens every Tuesday, and they must be great communicators as they are responsible for sharing information between students and faculty. The Vice President, Parliamentarian, and the representatives of the Student Government Association’s Activities Committee are responsible of not only representing the student body but also the Alabama School of Mathematics and Science itself as they coordinate with those outside of ASMS.