Recently Graduated ASMS Senior Receives $25,000 for Grad School as a Brown Foundation Silver Medalist

Mobile, Ala. – Graduating from the Alabama School of Mathematics and Science (ASMS) is not the only thing Gabriella Taylor is celebrating this week. Gabby received news that she is one of two 2020 Emmy Noether Award Silver Medalists for The Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation. The Emmy Noether Awards seek top aspiring female research scientists in any STEM (science, technology, engineering, or math) field to help realize their potential careers through financial and networking assistance. As a Silver Medalist, Gabby will be awarded up to $25,000 for a qualified graduate level research program and will be inducted as a 2020 Emmy Noether Scholar.
As part of the selection process for the award, Gabby presented her research on burn wounds. In summer of 2019, Gabby began conducting college-level research at the University of South Alabama. Her project revolved around the design and implementation of a novel thermal imaging device for determining the severity of partial-thickness burn wounds. She was in charge of writing key pieces of code for the device software and constructing the device itself from scratch. From their research and work on this device, she and her co-researchers were able to more accurately diagnose and treat burn wounds.

When asked about her reaction to being selected as a Silver Medalist, Taylor described, “The day after my interview, I received an email inviting me to another Zoom meeting. …
It was then that I received the news. I can hardly remember a time when I was that excited! In fact, I had to put all of my energy into not jumping out of my seat and screaming into the open air. It certainly felt great to see a dream come to fruition.”

The 2020 Emmy Noether Scholars seek to become leaders in STEM research careers. Specifically, Gabby desires to study in and work for a medical college one day as a dual researcher and associate professor. Gabby is from Mobile County, and she will be attending the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) this fall on full scholarship. She intends to major in cognitive neuroscience and to pursue a PhD one day to work in a medical college.
“The money will definitely be a tremendous help during my grad school career … [and] I see the award as a validation of my research thus far and an encouraging push toward the research opportunities to come,” says Taylor.
Gabby will receive a certificate in the mail from The Brown Foundation and be honored in 2021 at the Emmy Noether Award Ceremony.
About ASMS: TThe Alabama School of Mathematics and Science is the state's only fully public and residential high school for sophomores, juniors, and seniors seeking advanced studies in math, science, computer science, and the humanities. ASMS is a premier institution offering world-class learning, research, and leadership opportunities to Alabama students, empowering them to improve their community, state, and nation. Tuition, room, and board are free. Learn more at
About The Brown Foundation: The Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation works to alleviate human suffering. Based in Metairie, the Brown Foundation primarily serves the Gulf South but also supports quality programs throughout the United States. The Foundation believes in feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, and developing new treatments for the sick while assisting with community benefit and human interest programs. The Brown Foundation also directs four educational initiatives: The Emmy Noether Scholars program, a summer camp program, a service learning program that promotes service learning in K-12 schools in Louisiana and Mississippi and a STEM program that supports K-12 STEM curriculum development in Louisiana and Mississippi schools.