Letters from Four Seniors to You
Read some letters from four senior student leaders to their fellow seniors, to the sophomores and juniors, to the whole student body, and to the ASMS Community!

Dear Senior Class,
I was packed and ready to drive to Mobile the next day to move into school when we received an email from Dr. Hoyle, “Out of an abundance of caution, the campus will not be reopening as scheduled," meaning our first day and weeks of senior year would be virtual. Despite a rocky start though, senior year in the middle of a pandemic was the best it possibly could be. We’ve been able to host senior nights every Wednesday night we’ve been on campus, play glow in the dark putt-putt with Dr. Hoyle, Mrs. Whitney, and Mr. Robinson, prepare for our Universal trip, and so much more. The greatest part about being at ASMS is that we will make the best out of any situation, and this year has been no different. Even though it wasn’t exactly easy, and the number of evacuations was more than we were hoping for, we’ve made a memorable senior year, and I’m even more excited for what's to come.
Throughout all of the hardships the Class of 2021 has faced this year, my classmates still managed to apply to and get into exceptional universities. The college admissions process was definitely different this year, and it was hard to know what to expect. Luckily, we had the help of our fantastic counselor Mrs. Hoffmeyer, and she was able to guide us through this odd situation we had been forced into. Countless ACT tests were cancelled, volunteer and leadership opportunities were slim, and on-campus time and clubs had been totally altered, but once again we came out on top.
I’m grateful to have had these past three years at ASMS and that I got to serve as class president for all of them. The people in the ASMS Class of 2021 are exceptional, and it was because of all of them that we made it through this year. Thank you, seniors!
Isabelle Stabler – Houston County
ASMS Senior, Senior Class President
Dear sophomores and juniors,
Over the past three years, I’ve had the opportunity to build my character and explore different academic interests at what has now become my home away from home. As I reflect on my time, I have come to realize how important my relationships with peers and faculty were in shaping my journey. From creating close bonds in Science Fair projects to exciting debate classes and fun SGA meetings, my ASMS family has changed my perspective on so many aspects of my world view.
When I first started at ASMS, graduating seemed so far away, but the journey has recently started to come to an end so soon. I want you all to make sure to experience your high school years in their fullest capacity, just as I have been able to live mine. This time is meant to push you to be the best version of you that you have ever been, but it is also meant to help you discover who you want to become. As you step forward into next year leading the school, I hope you can take hold of any opportunities that come your way and build on ones that have yet to be discovered.
Being an ASMS student requires perseverance and initiative; don’t be afraid to suggest new ideas. I, along with the rest of the senior class, hope you can continue to strive for success academically and socially, and I wish you the best as you take on these halls next fall. I will miss you all very much, and thank you for all of the lessons you have taught me, and I hope you can share your personal journeys as mentors who will shape the new students to come after you as well.
Marie Naylor – Shelby County
ASMS Senior, SGA Treasurer
Dear student body,
It’s hard to believe that I first moved into ASMS three years ago. Like many of my classmates, I spent the first few days keeping to myself in my room, unsure of what to do once classes ended. On Thursday of my first week of school, I made a random decision to walk off to Dairy Queen with a girl who sat near me in my sophomore English class along with one of her friends. I did not know it at the time, but that day I was introduced to some of the people who would become the best friends I have ever had. I think that is one of the really special things about ASMS. You won’t have a crazy backstory about how you met your friends; for most people it is just randomly sitting next to them, or seeing them smile in the hallway. (Or having your future best friends think you dislike them because your resting face looks mean — haha)
Throughout my time at ASMS, there have been far too many special moments to count. I can remember falling asleep in my friend’s chair after my first finals week and blindly following my classmates as I tried to learn the Bunny Hop at my first Winter Formal. On our sophomore trip to New Orleans, my entire boat laughed forever at a pig and a raccoon eating marshmallows. I have been able to watch many friends graduate over the last two years, and I was able to bond with an amazing class of our incoming juniors over the past two years. Even after COVID-19 vastly changed my junior and senior years, I still was able to find special moments during the year, even if it was calling my class for HOURS while we all studied for our organic chemistry exam the next day.
I am going to miss my classmates next year, but I know they are all going on to do absolutely amazing things. I truly will never forget the friends, or the memories, I made while attending ASMS.
Caroline Nelson – Baldwin County
ASMS Senior, SGA Secretary
Dear ASMS Community,
Reflecting on my time at ASMS, I can confidently say that these last three years were the most influential years of my life. Graduation day is the milestone – closing the act of my youthful years and setting the stage for the years to come. It has been a difficult journey, to say the least, but when I reminisce on the past, a pleasant wave of nostalgia never fails to greet me, and my bashful grin always takes control. When I think of the dreadful final’s week(s) sprinkled throughout past terms, I recall not the purple scroll of trig identities that I tried so desperately to memorize but the thrilling twilight study sessions I would share with my closest friends, where we would collectively chant math equations, forbidding them from slipping away. Or the memories of furiously scribbling on the whiteboard for Tuesday Math Lab, making the bold attempt to teach differential calculus concepts to a group of incoming sophomores. These joyful memories, memories each laced with both hardship and gratification, make the true “ASMS Experience."
Although a challenge, ASMS was a challenge worth the struggle. I could not be more grateful for the cornucopia of academic opportunities coupled with the inclusive community that was granted to me as soon as I set foot on campus. ASMS became my home, and my friends became my family. Honestly, what more could I wish for?
May Jung – Autauga County
ASMS Senior, SGA President