ASMS Standardized Test Prep

Dear Parents, ASMS Academic Affairs has developed a schedule of standardized test prep sessions to help students raise their PSAT, SAT, and ACT scores. A primary focus will be to support sophomores and juniors in preparing for the PSAT/NMSQT on October 16. Test prep presenters will be sure these skills are transferable to standardized tests that even seniors will be taking. Around 8:00 AM the morning before each session, there will be a sign-up sheet on the table in Academic Affairs. Students can sign up with their name, class, hall, and signature. If sessions reach capacity, preference will be given to juniors first and seniors next. At the sessions themselves, teachers will have a sign-in sheet at the beginning and a sign-out sheet at the end. Students will need to bring the PSAT Practice Test #1 that was placed in their mailbox, and instructors may provide additional test materials. Here are the dates, times, locations, and subjects for each of the sessions.
- September 25 at 3:45 PM (Board Room): Reading prep with Dr. Frye
- September 27 at 12:00 PM (Board Room): Math prep with Ms Id-Deen
- September 30 at 3:45 PM (Board Room): Language/Writing prep with Dr. Smith
- October 3 at 3:45 PM (Board Room): Writing/Language prep with Mr. Commander
- October 4 at 12:00 PM (S305): Math prep with Ms. Id-Deen
- October 7 at 3:45 PM (Board Room): Reading prep with Mr. Sayler
- October 9 at 12:00 PM (S305): Math prep with Ms. Id-Deen
- October 14 online, due by 11:56 PM: PSAT Math practice on Khan Academy
These prep sessions are optional but highly recommended. Hall points for participation in the sessions will be given out after the PSAT. Go Dragons!