ASMS Chemistry Faculty Member Leads New STEM Component of Outreach Program

During a visit to the Wallace Community College Sparks Campus in Eufaula in October, ASMS Chemistry Department instructor, Kevin Dolbeare, was asked by school officials to return this summer and participate in their TRIO Talent Search program.
The TRIO Talent Search program has been hosted by the WCC Sparks Campus for 25 years. It is a federally funded program designed to assist students and parents with a variety of activities involved in preparing students to be college ready. Mr. Dolbeare facilitated the program’s first-ever STEM component during his visit last week!
"After working at the ASMS STEM Leadership Academy summer camp, I was ready to educate more middle schoolers," noted Mr. Dolbeare. Components of his instruction included STEM activities such as ethanol bottle and pH demonstrations, DNA extraction from strawberries, biology and chemistry careers discussion, and more. The almost forty students in attendance also learned about ASMS and the STEM Leadership Academy summer camp.
"I hope I can return in the future to help facilitate and promote meaningful STEM learning experiences for young learners across the state," said Mr. Dolbeare.