Announcing the ASMS Research Fellows Project

The Alabama School of Math and Science is excited to announce the inaugural Research Fellows Project. The Fellows Project is designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop a plan of action to explore a problem in today’s communities which allows for scientific discovery. The 2019-2020 class of research fellows is made up of 12 ASMS juniors. Click here to read the article that inspired the research topic for this year’s cohort. Student research will be guided by faculty mentors who advise and assist students in the planning of their Fellows Project products. Students who successfully complete the project during their junior year will develop and submit the following four academic components: research paper, poster, portfolio, and presentation. ASMS will continue to provide updates about the program and students’ work as the school year progresses.
2019-2020 Research Fellows:
Chioma Buchi-Ahiabuike
Tayla Crear
Emma Joly
May Jung
Alaina Kelly
Emma Last
Carson Lott
Spencer Purdy
Katherine Rutschilling
Alexandria Sessions
Elijah Velaski
Ronald Warren
Faculty Members:
Project Coordinator - Dr. Mitch Frye
Committee Members -
Kevin Dolbeare
Meoshe Id-Deen
Dr. Natalie Ortell
Alison Rellinger