A Student’s Reflection on Mrs. Ann Bedsole’s ASMS Legacy and Her Recently Published Book

By: Venus Radoslovich – ASMS senior from Mobile County

When I think of the name Mrs. Ann Bedsole, I think of her parking spot. Whenever my mom drops me off at ASMS after a break or visit, she parks in the horseshoe, and there is always one spot no car dares to park in out of great respect. It’s labeled “Reserved for Ann Bedsole.” When I look at the parking spot, I think of how powerful her legacy is, how important Mrs. Ann Bedsole is to ASMS, and the gratitude everyone has toward her. Her leadership is unmatched. From being the first woman ever elected to the Senate and House of Representatives in our state, to founding the school I am so proud to attend, I have much admiration for Mrs. Bedsole. I am especially grateful to have received and read a copy of her new book.
At 93 years old, Mrs. Bedsole has written and published a book entitled "Leave Your Footprint.” This memoir details Ann Bedsole’s childhood, political career, children, philanthropy, and life in general. With a powerful voice, Bedsole candidly describes life in Alabama during the 1930s to the 1940s, and even touches on how ASMS came to be what it is today. That chapter about ASMS is what interested me the most. Learning about how the school I attend came to exist from the perspective of the person who made it happen is absolutely empowering. I was particularly shocked to read that Mrs. Bedsole had only two years to buy a building, hire teachers, make a curriculum, come up with class sizes, and establish the school. I also found it interesting that the first incoming class of 140 students had to wear hard hats around the campus when they arrived, because construction was not yet finished. Even more exceptional is that not one of those 140 students dropped out.
On Thursday, January 26th, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at The Haunted Bookshop in Mobile, a book signing and launch party will be held for her fabulous memoir. I encourage everyone to attend this event, to meet “The First Lady of Mobile,” and to support one of the most inspiring and honorable women I have had the pleasure of reading about. The last lines of her chapter about our school touch me deeply. Bedsole wrote, “I truly love the Alabama School of Mathematics and Science. It has been one of the great blessings of my life.” I feel the exact same way, and I know that 30+ years of ASMS graduates do too.