4 ASMS Students Named Alabama 2022 Award Winners For Aspirations In Computing by the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT)

According to NCWIT, "The NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing (AiC) honors 9th-12th grade ... students for their computing-related achievements and interests, and encourages them to pursue their passions. Award recipients are selected based on their aptitude and aspirations in technology and computing, as demonstrated by their computing experience, computing-related activities, leadership experience, tenacity in the face of barriers to access, and plans for post-secondary education. By generating visibility for these aspiring technologists in their local communities, the NCWIT Award for AiC encourages their continued interest in computing, builds their identity as “someone who does computing,” and attracts the attention and support of educational and corporate institutions” (web).
Alabama NCWIT regions are split between the North, Central, and the South/Gulf Coast, and over 3,500 applications were submitted this year. The student winners were honored at the awards dinner for Gulf Coast (South Alabama and Florida Panhandle) at the University of West Florida on Wednesday, April 27th. They are pictured here with their ASMS Computer Science instructor, Mrs. Deborah Gray:

Congratulations to the 2022 ASMS recipients of NCWIT Aspirations awards in Alabama!
2022 NCWIT Alabama Award Winner for Aspirations in Computer ASMS
Trinity Causey – Affiliate Winner
Tuyako Khristoforova – Affiliate Winner
Sophia Neno – Affiliate Winner and Rising Star
2022 NCWIT Alabama Honorable Mention for Aspirations in Computing
Abigail Saalwaechter – Affiliate Honorable Mention
Read more about the award recipients and their awards: