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Dr. John Hoyle


jhoyle@asms.net | (251) 441-2102

Ph.D., Instructional Design and Development - University of South Alabama

M.Ed., Education Leadership - Holy Cross University

B.A., Mass Communications and Political Science - Principia College

Biography: Dr. Hoyle lived and taught in New Orleans until Hurricane Katrina hit the city in 2005 when he moved to Mobile. He has held several positions at ASMS and enjoys working with the faculty and staff to ensure Alabama’s best and brightest young minds will become tomorrow’s leaders. Dr. Hoyle is interested in social and environmental issues and believes that students can reach their full potential when they have access to quality educational opportunities. He is married and has a daughter and a son.

Accomplishments: Dr. Hoyle received South Alabama’s Outstanding Dissertation of the Year award in 2018 for his dissertation entitled, “Black Girls Matter: An Ethnographic Investigation of Rural African-American Girls Experiencing a Specialized STEM High School for Gifted and Talented Students.” Dr. Hoyle received an ING Unsung Hero award in 2004 for a project he worked on with students related to coastal erosion. He was named Teacher of the Year at Buras High School in 2003.