World Languages Courses
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Course Number | Course Details | |
Subject |
LF101 | Beginning French 1/2 H | |
Course Detail:
This two-quarter sequence provides students with an introduction to the French language, and a lot of exploration of the culture, cuisine, and geography of the Francophone world. Although students will develop communicative competence across all modes of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing), French phonetics (the study of the production of speech sounds) are introduced with the goal of achieving native-like pronunciation. Special attention will also be given to the intricacies of the French orthography vis-à-vis French phonetics in order to develop interpretive listening and interpretive reading. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. As the terms progress, this course sequence moves towards increasing use of French. Prerequisites: LF 101: None LF 102: Successful completion of LF 101 or equivalent
LF102 | Beginning French 2/2 H | |
Course Detail:
This two-quarter sequence provides students with an introduction to the French language, and a lot of exploration of the culture, cuisine, and geography of the Francophone world. Although students will develop communicative competence across all modes of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing), French phonetics (the study of the production of speech sounds) are introduced with the goal of achieving native-like pronunciation. Special attention will also be given to the intricacies of the French orthography vis-à-vis French phonetics in order to develop interpretive listening and interpretive reading. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. As the terms progress, this course sequence moves towards increasing use of French. Prerequisites: LF 101: None LF 102: Successful completion of LF 101 or equivalent
LF201 | Intermediate French 1/2 H | |
Course Detail:
This two-quarter sequence is a continuation of the Beginning French sequence. Students will further develop communicative competence across all modes of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing), with skills progressing from interpersonal and presentational speaking to descriptive and narrative writing, including the basics of French grammar taught comparatively. Geographical knowledge is connected to cultural insights. A wide variety of communicative, task-based approaches to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities (including culinary adventures) that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught almost entirely in French. Prerequisites: LF 201: Successful completion of LF 102 or equivalent LF 202: Successful completion of LF 201 or equivalent
LF202 | Intermediate French 2/2 H | |
Course Detail:
This two-quarter sequence is a continuation of the Beginning French sequence. Students will further develop communicative competence across all modes of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing), with skills progressing from interpersonal and presentational speaking to descriptive and narrative writing, including the basics of French grammar taught comparatively. Geographical knowledge is connected to cultural insights. A wide variety of communicative, task-based approaches to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities (including culinary adventures) that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught almost entirely in French. Prerequisites: LF 201: Successful completion of LF 102 or equivalent LF 202: Successful completion of LF 201 or equivalent
LF301 | Advanced French 1/2 H | |
Course Detail:
In this two-quarter sequence, students are exposed to many different styles of writing including prose, poetry, and non-fiction. Written proficiency is developed through compositions that focus on a variety of different writing styles including exposition, persuasion, narration, and description, and which solidify the grasp of more complex French grammar skills. An emphasis is placed on presentational speaking and increased class discussion. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught almost entirely in French. Prerequisites: LF 301: Successful completion of LF 202 or equivalent LF 302: Successful completion of LF 301 or equivalent.
LF302 | Advanced French 2/2 H | |
Course Detail:
In this two-quarter sequence, students are exposed to many different styles of writing including prose, poetry, and non-fiction. Written proficiency is developed through compositions that focus on a variety of different writing styles including exposition, persuasion, narration, and description, and which solidify the grasp of more complex French grammar skills. An emphasis is placed on presentational speaking and increased class discussion. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught almost entirely in French. Prerequisites: LF 301: Successful completion of LF 202 or equivalent LF 302: Successful completion of LF 301 or equivalent.
LF401 | French IV I H | |
Course Detail:
This three-quarter sequence offers more in-depth guided exploration of Francophone literature and culture. Cultural, historical or literary topics brought to light through a variety of materials (usually including an in-depth reading of The Little Prince) are examined through class discussions and written compositions. Written proficiency is developed through a comprehensive review of French grammar. The particular content focus is adaptable to the strengths and goals of each year’s learner group and may not be replicated identically the following year. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught entirely in French. Prerequisites: LF 401: Successful completion of LF 302 or equivalent LF 402: Successful completion of LF 401 or equivalent LF 403: Successful completion of LF 402 or equivalent
LF402 | French IV II H | |
Course Detail:
This three-quarter sequence offers more in-depth guided exploration of Francophone literature and culture. Cultural, historical or literary topics brought to light through a variety of materials (usually including an in-depth reading of The Little Prince) are examined through class discussions and written compositions. Written proficiency is developed through a comprehensive review of French grammar. The particular content focus is adaptable to the strengths and goals of each year’s learner group and may not be replicated identically the following year. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught entirely in French. Prerequisites: LF 401: Successful completion of LF 302 or equivalent LF 402: Successful completion of LF 401 or equivalent LF 403: Successful completion of LF 402 or equivalent
LF403 | French IV III H | |
Course Detail:
This three-quarter sequence offers more in-depth guided exploration of Francophone literature and culture. Cultural, historical or literary topics brought to light through a variety of materials (usually including an in-depth reading of The Little Prince) are examined through class discussions and written compositions. Written proficiency is developed through a comprehensive review of French grammar. The particular content focus is adaptable to the strengths and goals of each year’s learner group and may not be replicated identically the following year. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught entirely in French. Prerequisites: LF 401: Successful completion of LF 302 or equivalent LF 402: Successful completion of LF 401 or equivalent LF 403: Successful completion of LF 402 or equivalent
LG101 | Beginning German 1/2 H | |
Course Detail:
This two-quarter sequence provides students with an introduction to the German language, culture and geography. Although students will develop communicative competence across all modes of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing), German phonetics (the study of the production of speech sounds) are introduced with the goal of achieving native-like pronunciation, and grammar fundamentals are established comparatively with the goal of developing proficiency in presentational and descriptive writing. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. As the terms progress, this course sequence moves towards increasing use of German. Prerequisites: LG 101: None; LG 102: Successful completion of LG 101 or equivalent
LG102 | Beginning German 2/2 H | |
Course Detail:
This two-quarter sequence provides students with an introduction to the German language, culture and geography. Although students will develop communicative competence across all modes of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing), German phonetics (the study of the production of speech sounds) are introduced with the goal of achieving native-like pronunciation, and grammar fundamentals are established comparatively with the goal of developing proficiency in presentational and descriptive writing. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. As the terms progress, this course sequence moves towards increasing use of German. Prerequisites: LG 101: None; LG 102: Successful completion of LG 101 or equivalent
LG201 | Intermediate German 1/2 H | |
Course Detail:
This two-quarter sequence is a continuation of the Beginning German sequence. Students will further develop communicative competence across all modes of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing), with skills progressing from interpersonal and presentational speaking to grammatically more comprehensive descriptive and narrative writing. Geographical knowledge is connected to cultural insights. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught almost entirely in German. Prerequisites: LG 201: Successful completion of LG 102 or equivalent LG 202: Successful completion of LG 201 or equivalent
LG202 | Intermediate German 2/2 H | |
Course Detail:
This two-quarter sequence is a continuation of the Beginning German sequence. Students will further develop communicative competence across all modes of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing), with skills progressing from interpersonal and presentational speaking to grammatically more comprehensive descriptive and narrative writing. Geographical knowledge is connected to cultural insights. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught almost entirely in German. Prerequisites: LG 201: Successful completion of LG 102 or equivalent LG 202: Successful completion of LG 201 or equivalent
LG301 | Advanced German 1/2 H | |
Course Detail:
In this two-quarter sequence, students are exposed to many different styles of writing including prose (including guided text work on authentic Grimm’s fairy tales), poetry, and non-fiction. The sequence rounds out the study of structural complexities of the German language. Written proficiency is developed through compositions that focus on a variety of different writing styles including exposition, persuasion, narration, and description. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught almost entirely in German. Prerequisites: LG 301: Successful completion of LG 202 or equivalent LG 302: Successful completion of LG 301 or equivalent
LG302 | Advanced German 2/2 H | |
Course Detail:
In this two-quarter sequence, students are exposed to many different styles of writing including prose (including guided text work on authentic Grimm’s fairy tales), poetry, and non-fiction. The sequence rounds out the study of structural complexities of the German language. Written proficiency is developed through compositions that focus on a variety of different writing styles including exposition, persuasion, narration, and description. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught almost entirely in German. Prerequisites: LG 301: Successful completion of LG 202 or equivalent LG 302: Successful completion of LG 301 or equivalent
LG400 | Program Abroad: Germany H | |
Course Detail:
This cultural immersion program is designed for qualified students of German. Candidates selected to participate spend the fall quarter in Münster, Germany, attending the prestigious Gymnasium Paulinum and residing with a host family. The family of each participant from ASMS simultaneously hosts an exchange student from Münster. Although exchange students from Münster reside at ASMS for the duration of the program, ASMS host families enjoy time with their exchange student during official school breaks and other planned activities that contribute to a better understanding of life in the United States. Interested students should consult with their instructor to determine qualification. Interested parties should also consult the school-owned One Drive German Exchange Notebook. Qualified students are required to submit an application to the program director during fall quarter. Prerequisites: Permission of the program director. Elective credit for up to 1.5 CU will be determined upon return by the program director
LG401 | German IV I H | |
Course Detail:
This three-quarter sequence offers more in-depth guided exploration of German literature, film and media, and culture. Cultural, historical or literary topics brought to light through a variety of materials are examined through class discussions and written compositions. The particular content focus is adaptable to the strengths and goals of each year’s learner group and may not be replicated identically the following year. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught entirely in German. Prerequisites: LG 401: Successful completion of LG 302 or equivalent LG 402: Successful completion of LG 401 or equivalent LG 403: Successful completion of LG 402 or equivalent
LG402 | German IV II H | |
Course Detail:
This three-quarter sequence offers more in-depth guided exploration of German literature, film and media, and culture. Cultural, historical or literary topics brought to light through a variety of materials are examined through class discussions and written compositions. The particular content focus is adaptable to the strengths and goals of each year’s learner group and may not be replicated identically the following year. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught entirely in German. Prerequisites: LG 401: Successful completion of LG 302 or equivalent LG 402: Successful completion of LG 401 or equivalent LG 403: Successful completion of LG 402 or equivalent
LG403 | German IV III H | |
Course Detail:
This three-quarter sequence offers more in-depth guided exploration of German literature, film and media, and culture. Cultural, historical or literary topics brought to light through a variety of materials are examined through class discussions and written compositions. The particular content focus is adaptable to the strengths and goals of each year’s learner group and may not be replicated identically the following year. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught entirely in German. Prerequisites: LG 401: Successful completion of LG 302 or equivalent LG 402: Successful completion of LG 401 or equivalent LG 403: Successful completion of LG 402 or equivalent
LG501 | German V 1/3 H | |
Course Detail:
This Directed Reading is intended primarily for German students who have completed the Fourth Year German sequence and would like to continue studying German more independently. The topic and content will be determined jointly by the instructor and individual student(s) and could focus on current events, business German, post-WWII literature, Kafka or various other areas of study. Emphasis is placed on developing oral and written proficiency through self-guided reading, writing, and discussions in German. This Directed Reading is taught entirely in German, and may not be offered every quarter or every year. Prerequisites: Successful completion of LG 403 or equivalent
LG502 | German V 2/3 H | |
Course Detail:
This Directed Reading is intended primarily for German students who have completed the Fourth Year German sequence and would like to continue studying German more independently. The topic and content will be determined jointly by the instructor and individual student(s) and could focus on current events, business German, post-WWII literature, Kafka or various other areas of study. Emphasis is placed on developing oral and written proficiency through self-guided reading, writing, and discussions in German. This Directed Reading is taught entirely in German, and may not be offered every quarter or every year. Prerequisites: Successful completion of LG 403 or equivalent
LG503 | German V 3/3 H | |
Course Detail:
This Directed Reading is intended primarily for German students who have completed the Fourth Year German sequence and would like to continue studying German more independently. The topic and content will be determined jointly by the instructor and individual student(s) and could focus on current events, business German, post-WWII literature, Kafka or various other areas of study. Emphasis is placed on developing oral and written proficiency through self-guided reading, writing, and discussions in German. This Directed Reading is taught entirely in German, and may not be offered every quarter or every year. Prerequisites: Successful completion of LG 403 or equivalent
LS101 | Beginning Spanish 1/2 H | |
Course Detail:
This two-quarter sequence provides students with an introduction to the Spanish language, culture and geography. Although students will develop communicative competence across all modes of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing), Spanish phonetics (the study of the production of speech sounds) are introduced with the goal of achieving native-like pronunciation, and grammar fundamentals are established comparatively with the goal of developing proficiency in presentational and descriptive writing. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. As the terms progress, this course sequence moves towards increasing use of Spanish. Prerequisites: LS 101: None; LS 102: Successful completion of LS 101 or equivalent
LS102 | Beginning Spanish 2/2 H | |
Course Detail:
This two-quarter sequence provides students with an introduction to the Spanish language, culture and geography. Although students will develop communicative competence across all modes of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing), Spanish phonetics (the study of the production of speech sounds) are introduced with the goal of achieving native-like pronunciation, and grammar fundamentals are established comparatively with the goal of developing proficiency in presentational and descriptive writing. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. As the terms progress, this course sequence moves towards increasing use of Spanish. Prerequisites: LS 101: None; LS 102: Successful completion of LS 101 or equivalent
LS201 | Intermediate Spanish 1/2 H | |
Course Detail:
This two-quarter sequence is a continuation of the Beginning Spanish sequence. Students will further develop communicative competence across all modes of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing), with skills progressing from interpersonal and presentational speaking to grammatically more comprehensive descriptive and narrative writing. Geographical knowledge is connected to cultural insights. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught almost entirely in Spanish. Prerequisites: LS 201: Successful completion of LS 102 or equivalent LS 202: Successful completion of LS 201 or equivalent
LS202 | Intermediate Spanish 2/2 H | |
Course Detail:
This two-quarter sequence is a continuation of the Beginning Spanish sequence. Students will further develop communicative competence across all modes of communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing), with skills progressing from interpersonal and presentational speaking to grammatically more comprehensive descriptive and narrative writing. Geographical knowledge is connected to cultural insights. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught almost entirely in Spanish. Prerequisites: LS 201: Successful completion of LS 102 or equivalent LS 202: Successful completion of LS 201 or equivalent
LS301 | Advanced Spanish 1/2 H | |
Course Detail:
In this two-quarter sequence, students are exposed to many different styles of writing including prose, poetry, and non-fiction. Written proficiency is developed through compositions that focus on a variety of different writing styles including exposition, persuasion, narration, and description, and which solidify the grasp of more complex Spanish grammar skills. An emphasis is placed on presentational speaking and increased class discussion. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught almost entirely in Spanish. Prerequisites: LS301: Successful completion of LS202 or equivalent; LS302: Successful completion of LS301 or equivalent
LS302 | Advanced Spanish 2/2 H | |
Course Detail:
In this two-quarter sequence, students are exposed to many different styles of writing including prose, poetry, and non-fiction. Written proficiency is developed through compositions that focus on a variety of different writing styles including exposition, persuasion, narration, and description, and which solidify the grasp of more complex Spanish grammar skills. An emphasis is placed on presentational speaking and increased class discussion. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught almost entirely in Spanish. Prerequisites: LS301: Successful completion of LS202 or equivalent; LS302: Successful completion of LS301 or equivalent
LS400 | Program Abroad: Spain H | |
Course Detail:
This cultural immersion program is designed for qualified students of Spanish. Participants visit Seville, Spain during the fall quarter, residing with a host family. They attend classes at the prestigious Colegio Europa, while enjoying the culture of Seville in the company of their hosts and Spanish classmates. Seville counterparts attend ASMS, while residing at ASMS. American host families enjoy time with their "host" child during school breaks and other planned activities that would enhance the student's cultural understanding of life in the U.S. Qualified and interested students should submit an application to the program's director at the beginning of the school year. Prerequisite: Permission of the program's sponsor. Elective credit for up to 1.5 credits will be determined upon return by sponsor.
LS401 | Spanish IV I H | |
Course Detail:
This three-quarter sequence offers more in-depth guided exploration of Spanish language literature and culture. Cultural, historical or literary topics brought to light through a variety of materials are examined through class discussions and written compositions. Written proficiency is developed through a comprehensive review of Spanish grammar. The particular content focus is adaptable to the strengths and goals of each year's learner group and may not be replicated identically the following year. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught entirely in Spanish. Prerequisites: LS401: Successful completion of LS302 or equivalent; LS402: Successful completion of LS401 or equivalent; LS403: Successful completion of LS402 or equivalent.
LS402 | Spanish IV II H | |
Course Detail:
This three-quarter sequence offers more in-depth guided exploration of Spanish language literature and culture. Cultural, historical or literary topics brought to light through a variety of materials are examined through class discussions and written compositions. Written proficiency is developed through a comprehensive review of Spanish grammar. The particular content focus is adaptable to the strengths and goals of each year's learner group and may not be replicated identically the following year. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught entirely in Spanish. Prerequisites: LS401: Successful completion of LS302 or equivalent; LS402: Successful completion of LS401 or equivalent; LS403: Successful completion of LS402 or equivalent.
LS403 | Spanish IV III H | |
Course Detail:
This three-quarter sequence offers more in-depth guided exploration of Spanish language literature and culture. Cultural, historical or literary topics brought to light through a variety of materials are examined through class discussions and written compositions. Written proficiency is developed through a comprehensive review of Spanish grammar. The particular content focus is adaptable to the strengths and goals of each year's learner group and may not be replicated identically the following year. A communicative, task-based approach to language instruction is adopted in which students engage in communicative activities that require the exchange of real-world information with the goal of developing oral proficiency in the target language. This course is taught entirely in Spanish. Prerequisites: LS401: Successful completion of LS302 or equivalent; LS402: Successful completion of LS401 or equivalent; LS403: Successful completion of LS402 or equivalent.
LG404 | German for Engineering H | |
Course Detail:
In this course, students are exposed to problem solving tasks and specific vocabulary from materials engineering, in collaboration with the physics department at ASMS. Students learn to communicate engineering work strategies, goals, questions and results through a communicative, task-based approach to language instruction in class, and perfect reading and writing proficiency by producing actual samples of their progress in physics in the target language also. Students planning to take part in a dual degree program German & Engineering in-state or out of state will be better equipped to pass the 200-level requirement for these college programs, and will be better able to make the most of their studies abroad, as well as gain real-world workplace skills early in life. This course is taught almost entirely in German. Prerequisites: Successful completion of LG301 or equivalent. This course may be offered during winter or spring term or both. This course does not take the place of Advanced German 2. Students can enroll in Adv2 and this course simultaneously for in-depth proficiency.