Physical Education Courses

Physical Education Courses

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Course Number Course Details


PE115 Volleyball
Course Detail: The course is designed to teach basic volleyball skills, rules, and strategies. Emphasis is also placed on officiating and competitive tournament play. Prerequisites: none.
PE123 Ultimate Frisbee
Course Detail: This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of Ultimate Frisbee.
PE124 Walking and Jogging
Course Detail: This course is designed to aid the student in the understanding and development of cardiovascular fitness through walking and jogging. The student will learn the benefits of aerobic fitness while enhancing their overall health.
PE125 Weight Training
Course Detail: This course is designed to teach basic weight training techniques to improve strength and fitness levels of students. Emphasis is placed on development of exercise routines, proper physical conditioning methods, an understanding of anatomy and the history of weight training. Prerequisites: none.
PE129 Circuit Training
Course Detail: This course is designed to improve the overall fitness of the student. The course will combine cardiovascular training and strength training for a full body challenge.
PE131 Interval Training
Course Detail: This course is designed to explore and practice interval training. Interval training involves alternating short bursts of intense activity with what is called active recovery.
PE132 Cardio Fitness Boxing
Course Detail: This course is designed to combine elements of cardio and boxing for a full body workout. Punch, kick and block your way through this fun and challenging class.
PE200 Varsity Basketball (Women's)
Course Detail: Varsity Basketball offers students the opportunity to compete interscholastically. Emphasis is placed on advanced skills, strategy, discipline, sportsmanship, teamwork and fitness. Prerequisites: none.
PE201 Varsity Basketball (Men's)
Course Detail: Varsity Basketball offers students the opportunity to compete interscholastically. Emphasis is placed on advanced skills, strategy, discipline, sportsmanship, teamwork and fitness. Prerequisites: none.
PE202 Varsity Cross Country (Men's)
Course Detail: Varsity cross-country offers students an opportunity to compete interscholastically. Emphasis is placed on endurance training, running skills, strategy, discipline, sportsmanship and teamwork. Prerequisites: none.
PE205 Varsity Tennis (Men's)
Course Detail: Varsity Tennis offers students the opportunity to compete interscholastically. Emphasis is placed on advanced skills, strategy, fitness, discipline and sportsmanship. Prerequisites: none.
PE206 Varsity Tennis (Women's)
Course Detail: Varsity Tennis offers students the opportunity to compete interscholastically. Emphasis is placed on advanced skills, strategy, discipline, sportsmanship, group dynamics, task commitment and fitness. Prerequisites: none.
PE207 Varsity Volleyball (Women's)
Course Detail: Varsity Volleyball offers students the opportunity to compete interscholastically. Emphasis is placed on advanced skills, strategy, discipline, sportsmanship, teamwork and fitness. Prerequisites: none.
PE212 Varsity Cross Country (Women's)
Course Detail: Varsity cross-country offers students an opportunity to compete interscholastically. Emphasis is placed on endurance training, running skills, strategy, discipline, sportsmanship and teamwork. Prerequisites: none.
PE215 Athletic Manager
Course Detail: The course is designed to teach the skills and responsibility of athletic management. Prerequisites: none.
PE216 Cycling (Indoor)
Course Detail: The class is designed to use aerobic and anaerobic work on stationary bicycles as a method of managing weight, reducing stress, and enhancing wellbeing. During certain periods of the workout there will be opportunities to read, watch videos, and participate in lifelong learning while exercising. Emphasis will be placed on topics such as nutrition, exercise prescription and interdisciplinary learning. Prerequisites: none.
PE126 Gentle Stretching and Relaxation
Course Detail: This course is designed to emphasize stretching and relaxing the mind and body. Students will learn how to relax and relieve stress
PE111 Soccer Class (Men)
Course Detail: This course introduces students to the basic skills and knowledge associated with soccer. Students will learn and practice basic soccer rules, skills, strategies, etiquette, and sportsmanship.
PE112 Soccer Class (Women)
Course Detail: This course introduces students to the basic skills and knowledge associated with soccer. Students will learn and practice basic soccer rules, skills, strategies, etiquette, and sportsmanship.
PE133 Pickleball
Course Detail: Pickleball combines tennis, badminton, and table tennis into a fun game for all levels. Students will learn the basic rules and skills to play the game of pickleball.