Chemistry Courses

Chemistry Courses

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Course Number Course Details


CH201 AP Chemistry 1/3
Course Detail: AP Chemistry is a three term sequence designed to introduce the student to current theory and practice in Chemistry and to prepare the student to take the Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry Test. Topics which are discussed include the structure of atoms and molecules, reactions in aqueous solutions, thermodynamics, and stoichiometry. Prerequisites: CH090, CH101/102 or passing score on qualifier.
CH202 AP Chemistry 2/3
Course Detail: AP Chemistry is a three term sequence designed to introduce the student to current theory and practice in Chemistry and to prepare the student to take the Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry Test. Topics which are discussed include the structure of atoms and molecules, reactions in aqueous solutions, thermodynamics, and stoichiometry. Prerequisites: CH090, CH101/102 or passing score on qualifier.
CH203 AP Chemistry 3/3
Course Detail: AP Chemistry is a three term sequence designed to introduce the student to current theory and practice in Chemistry and to prepare the student to take the Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry Test. Topics which are discussed include the structure of atoms and molecules, reactions in aqueous solutions, thermodynamics, and stoichiometry. Prerequisites: CH090, CH101/102 or passing score on qualifier.
CH090 Introductory Chemistry H
Course Detail: A one-quarter course designed to review and expand the math-based problem solving skills of sophomore students and to introduce some fundamental chemistry topics like atomic structure, stoichiometry, solutions, and pH. Problem solving requiring application of mathematical skills will be emphasized and will include the use of exponents, algebra, and log functions. Prerequisites: open to sophomore students only.
CH101 General Chemistry 1/2 H
Course Detail: A two-quarter sequence providing a general survey covering the fundamentals of chemistry including, but not limited to, dimensional analysis, atomic structure, nomenclature, acid/base chemistry and reaction types. Prerequisites: None
CH102 General Chemistry 2/2 H
Course Detail: A two-quarter sequence providing a general survey covering the fundamentals of chemistry including, but not limited to, dimensional analysis, atomic structure, nomenclature, acid/base chemistry and reaction types. Prerequisites: None
CH204 Advanced General Chemistry H
Course Detail: A one-quarter chemistry elective designed for students who wish to pursue further studies in chemistry. It expands the student’s background in the fundamental laws, facts, principles and applications of chemistry. Topics which might be covered include Lewis Structures, models of covalent bonding, colligative properties of solutions, REDOX Reactions, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibria, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry. Prerequisites: CH102 or a passing score on qualifier.
CH215 Environmental Chemistry H
Course Detail: This course is designed to expand the student’s background in chemistry. It is a one quarter course focusing on the environmental chemistry. It will include discussions about air, water, energy, plastics, drugs, and nutrition. Prerequisite: CH102 or a passing score on the qualifier.
CH301 Inorganic Chemistry H
Course Detail: This one quarter chemistry elective is designed for students to have a strong interest in chemistry. This course will expand the student's background in chemistry, focusing on the properties and reactions of the elements other than carbon. Topics presented may include symmetry operations, ionic & covalent bonding, 3-D molecular structures and crystal packing. Prerequisites: CH102 or CH202, or a passing score on qualifier. This class is not offered every year.
CH303 Introduction to Organic Chemistry H
Course Detail: A one-quarter chemistry elective designed for students who have a serious interest in chemistry and/or the life sciences. This course covers fundamental topics such as functional groups, nomenclature, isomers, structure/physical property relationships and reaction types. Prerequisites: A grade of "B" or better in CH101, 102, completion of CH201, 202, 203 or permission of the instructor.
CH306 Introduction to Biochemistry H
Course Detail: Establishes a foundation in the broad field of biochemistry. The structured-function relationship of proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids will be discussed in class and explored in the laboratory. The metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids will be included. Prerequisites: A grade of "B" or better in CH101, 102 or CH201, 202, 203. Completion of CH303 and BL102 is recommended.
CH307 Organic Chemistry H
Course Detail: A one-quarter chemistry elective for students who have a strong interest in chemistry or the life sciences. This course builds on the material covered in CH303 and provides a more in-depth study of the chemistry of organic compounds. Reactions of each functional group will be studied with an emphasis on 3-D structures and reaction mechanisms. Topics will include molecular models, compound & reaction stereochemistry, and multi-step synthesis. Prerequisites: CH303 or permission of the instructor.
CH210 Nuclear Chemistry H
Course Detail: The objective of this one-term chemistry elective is to explore the fundamentals of nuclear and radiochemistry. Students will gain an understanding of nuclear instability, radioactive nuclides, types of nuclear decay, and the kinetics of decay processes. The interaction of radiation with matter will lead to studies on radiation detection and measurement followed by a survey of applications of nuclear chemistry in areas such as engineering, research, medicine, energy, food safety, and space. This class is not offered every year. Prerequisites: CH102 or CH202.