Special Projects

Study something unique that interests you!

Each year students take a break from their regularly scheduled course load to participate in Special Projects Week. During this time, students and teachers delve into a specific area of concentration. Although most Special Projects take place on campus, many occur off campus. Over the past five years, groups of students have traveled to China, Costa Rica, Italy, Mexico, Florida, Germany, New Orleans, New York, France, Peru, The Appalachian Trail, Ireland, and Spain.

Recent Offerings: American History through American Film; Computing Camp; California, Here We Come!; Culinary Adventures; Game Design Workshop; Geneva, Munich, Salzburg, Vienna – 4 Countries Alpine Trip; Habitat for Humanity; Introduction to Meteorology; Let’s Play Cricket; Russian Culture and Language in One Week; Mission to Space; “Parasites, Pathogens, and Plagues; Oh my!”; Quantum Mechanics and Reality; Science Fiction Coloring Book; The History & Culture of Mardi Gras in Mobile; The Wall Speaks: Express Yourself through Murals; and Wall Street.

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