ASMS students are assigned an Academic and College Counselor to guide them through course selection and support them in the college admission and application process. Our counselors value the unique experiences and perspectives each student brings with them to ASMS. Students can work with their counselor on course registration, deciding on college visits, and in finding academic resources. Through coaching and mentoring strategies, counselors are help to foster academic success for all ASMS students.
College Planning
The counseling staff goes to great lengths to match an individual student’s interests, personality, and academic background to colleges and universities across the country. Personal assistance with scholarships and other types of financial aid is a top priority. Counselors also arrange for students to visit with college and university representatives throughout the school year.
Course Selection and Scheduling
Our counselors and faculty work closely with students and parents during the course selection process. Faculty members administer placement tests in many subjects to determine the appropriate course level for incoming students. Each student completes an annual course selection form to express interest in specific classes, from requirements to electives. Counselors consult placement test results and student course preferences to create individualized schedules for each student to help them pursue their interests while keeping them on the path to graduation.
After the start of each term, there is a two-day window for the Drop\Add process. This is a time when any student can complete a request form for a schedule change. Not all requests can be granted, but counselors are happy to make reasonable adjustments when possible.
ASMS provides ample opportunities for students to receive academic help. For example, there are scheduled lab times for almost every subject. They usually open around 7:00 p.m. and close at 9:00 p.m. from Sunday through Thursday. Groups of students who attend ASMS run these labs for their work service hours. Such students have been deemed proficient in the subject area by ASMS faculty members.